Consider the case where you want to generate slightly different versions of a document out of single latex file. This could be needed when using different document templates or if you want to switch on/off commentary in your document. You may want different introduction or order of chapters based on each particular case. A way to do it is using conditionals that exists available in plain TeX. For example


question : what is the expected complexity of quicksort for an array of integers ?

answer $o(n\log n)$ where $n$ is the number of integers.

question : give the definition of an abelian group .

answer : an abelian group is a set, $a$, together with an operation $\cdot$ that ...

Enabling conditionals can be achieved by commenting/uncommenting the 3rd line either by hand or using a makefile:

#LATEX=latexmk -pdf
	$(LATEX) main.tex

	cp main.tex main_with_answers.tex
	sed -i 's|%\\answerstrue|\\answerstrue|' main_with_answers.tex
	$(LATEX) main_with_answers.tex

both: plain with_answers
